A Financial Guarantee Bond gives your bank assurance that if you don’t perform your obligations under the terms of your financing agreement with them, they can call on the bond to reduce their losses.
In the course of your commercial endeavours, you’ll often be required by a bank to provide a A3 INSURANCE BROKER (S) PTE. LTD Financial Guarantee Bond.
As a commodities buyer/seller or an exporter competing for overseas contracts, including simultaneous buy/sell transactions, you’ll often be required by a buyer/seller to provide a performance bond. A performance bond gives your buyer/seller assurance that if you don’t perform your obligations under the export contract or buy/sell contract, they can call on the bond to reduce their losses.
Guarantee Bonds are purchased through a one-time payment to a bond issuer for a Financial Guarantee Bond, (normally issued to guarantee bank financing), or a Performance Bond, (normally issued to provide collateral for buy/sell commodity trading). Not all clients qualify for our guarantees.
carries out the full range of central banking functions related to formulating and implementing monetary policy. Monetary policy in Singapore is centred on managing the trade-weighted exchange rate with the objective to ensure price stability over the medium term as a basis for sustainable economic growth.
Mitigate your risk from unforeseen events that may affect your business operations. Our team will analyse your risks based on your industry and risk exposure, to recommend you the right business insurance solutions. Leave the risks to us, so you can focus on bringing your business to greater heights.
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Developing a close partnership with a wide range of insurance companies has enabled us to offer you comparative quotations across an array of products to meet all your commercial insurance and personal insurance requirements. Let our dedicated team, equipped with the experience and knowledge across multiple classes provide you with the best advice and service that puts your needs above all.